Jane Bolin

Jane Bolin was the first African American judge in the United states. She was sworn in at age 31 by Mayor Fiorella La Guardia who was the mayor of New York at the time.Jane Bolin was born to an interracial family and quickly became a stellar student making it through high school and college with no problem. She served three terms each being ten years each and also served on many councils and boards of many councils such as The National Association For The Advancement of Colored People. She worked the family court on most of her cases involving children which she always gave her one hundred percent on.

Jane Bolin was also the first African American woman to graduate from Yale law school. She started as an attorney but then one day she was shocked to have realized that she had been sworn in by the mayor of New York at the time. Jane Bolin was born in 1908 and sadly passed away in 2007. She worked as a judge on the family court until she was forced to retire. She served on many boards after that many of which helped African Americans.